Display both X-bow range circles at once for planning – different color on inactive one.Upgrade to 2-story walls that Hog Riders/ Jump spell can’t penetrate (maybe limit #).Stack def structures – ATs over walls, Teslas on top of barracks (truly hidden), etc.Ability to load current x-bow with elixir or dark elixir for extra bonus of some sort.Ability to camouflage/purchase camouflage – (make AT appear as a barracks until within range).Increase clan size: 75 or 100 are most common requests.Add clan rank to Clan Info Screen – Quicker to reference than scrolling to end of top 200 list.Modify clan msg of player joining with who invited player: xx joined clan, invited by xx.Leader (and co-leaders) ability to delete messages in chat.A large text area for clan rules that just the clan can see (separate from public clan description).Add ability to send short message to rejected applicants similar to when expelling.Add other clan requirements to apply besides trophies, ex: Specific troop lvl, TH lvl, lab lvl, game lvl.